A word from Jim Bakker

Several years ago, I lived through an intense vision in the night that seemed like the end of the world. Earthquakes, volcanoes, asteroids… every event foretold by the Book of Revelation were happening all at once.
When I awoke from the vision, I saw a packet of information placed for me on my desk. It contained information for a unique home capable of withstanding an F-5 tornado; a home capable of being heated by a single candle placed in the center.
God seemed to say to me that this would be the home for the future and the End of Times. From that moment on, I have had a desire to build these amazing Dome Homes.
As I write to you, our first Dome Home is under construction at Morningsides Hillside Garden Village. It is like living in a beautiful rock garden.
Morningside is a community located on over 700 acres of the lush Ozark Mountain landscape. Not only did Corrie Ten Boom prophesy decades ago that a Great Revival would come from these hills, but another prophecy has declared Morningside will be a City of Refuge in the Last Days where people will come for inspiration and information and for a season of rest or retirement. Hillside Garden Homes Village is part of a fulfillment of many prophecies that God has given to me.
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